James McClarty

James McClarty

Personal Projects

The Underworld's Cello

I always wanted to make a point-and-click adventure game. The Underworld's Cello is a five year undertaking developed using the Adventure Game Studio engine, written with the C++ language and distributed online for all to play for free. I was solely responsible for the programming and graphics.

Professional Projects


My vision for this front-end capstone in NSS was to create a website where users can share ideas and create subjects to recieve feedback. The project utilizes React.js and JSON to create a dynamic webpage, populating the API using CRUD inputs.


My full-stack capstone aims to allow users to create, organize, and participate in independant projects. Directors can set up projects while the Talents fill the positions needed for the project to function. SQL, ASP.net, Entity, and Identity are utilized to create a stable and secure connection from the database to the website.